Probation is used in Colorado as an alternative to jail time or in addition to jail time for some criminal convictions. In 2008, Colorado had about 50,000 people on probation and an additional 18,000 receiving monitoring after a conviction of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI).
Probation is available to both adults and juveniles who are convicted of a crime, depending on what conviction they receive. Even if a convicted individual does not meet the requirements for probation, however, a court may choose to impose probation if it is recommended by the district attorney.
Currently, a person may apply for a sentence to probation unless he or she has been convicted of a class 1 felony or a class 2 petty offense, if he or she has two previous felony convictions, or if he or she has been convicted of a felony within ten years of a previous class 1, 2, or 3 felony convictions. In addition, a conviction of a non-violent crime increases the chances of probation being among the options at sentencing. Other considerations, such as the person’s history and the circumstances that led to the criminal conviction, may also be considered.
If you’re facing criminal charges in Colorado, don’t wait: call the experienced Colorado Springs criminal defense attorneys at The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. We strive to provide outstanding representation to each client we represent, fighting to protect your legal rights as we pursue the best possible outcome in each case. Call us at (719) 475-2555 today for a free and confidential consultation.