About Timothy R. Bussey
Why has Mr. Bussey chosen criminal defense? Criminal charges put the accused in a position of vulnerability, and in most cases the person charged has little choice but to put trust in defense counsel’s diligence and loyalty. Mr. Bussey takes pride in fulfilling that trust. Likewise, criminal defendants often find the deck is stacked against them. This puts a lawyer’s wits and dedication to a satisfying test.
Education & Certifications
Mr. Bussey graduated from the University of Iowa, College of Business, in 1988, majoring in Finance. He received the Air Force ROTC Scholarship and was a member of the Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. In 1991, Mr. Bussey graduated from Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, Illinois. He was admitted to Illinois Bar in 1991 and to the Colorado Bar in 1994.
Timothy Bussey has earned the ACS Forensic Lawyer-Scientist Designation in the state of Colorado. He is also certified to operate and maintain the Intoxilyzer 5000, is a certified NHTSA Field Sobriety Test Instructor, and is certified in Forensic Chromatography.