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Colorado Springs Saving People From DUI Penalties Lawyers

Since 1950, Colorado’s legislature, the General Assembly, has been in session every year. The legislators seem to take a keen interest in calibrating and recalibrating the laws and penalties relating to DUI. One reason might be that DUI accidents are very common in America and they can cause property damage, grave injuries, and death. Even though DUI laws have been on the books for generations, the aftermath of incidents like that can spark understandable reactions. Other reasons for legislative interest could include evolving technology for testing intoxication levels and social trends such as rising marijuana use. Yet another reason for persistent recalibration of the DUI laws is the fiscal impact of managing DUI cases in the courts, jails, and rehabilitation programs. Colorado has 64 counties, nearly all of which feel the brunt of DUI enforcement costs.

Even when the laws are not changing, they are elaborate. To someone who does not work with the statutes regularly, it is time-consuming to interpret and make sense of them. Also, that much statutory code inevitably features ambiguity and creates room for dispute in some cases.

Keeping in mind that Colorado’s DUI penalties are complicated, sometimes debatable, and constantly in flux, it may still be useful for people to get a glimpse at how the sentencing scheme is arranged.

Given the frequent legislative amendments and the complexity of the statutes, a thorough analysis of a person’s potential criminal liability requires a review of the latest developments. A definitive case assessment cannot be made from just a glance at tables on the Web. We at the Bussey Law Firm, P.C., are always ready to meet with someone who has been arrested or charged with crimes, including DUI-related offenses. Our practice is diverse, but defending DUI cases has been an area of focus. The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. is among the most experienced in this field.

Understanding the DUI Charges in Colorado Springs:

In Colorado Springs, DUI charges are taken very seriously, and the legal penalties can be severe. It’s essential to be aware of the potential consequences and why it’s crucial to hire one of our dedicated Colorado Springs DUI lawyers to defend you.

A DUI conviction can result in substantial fines. For a first-time offense, fines can range from $600 to $1,000, while subsequent offenses can lead to even higher penalties.

DUI convictions in Colorado Springs often come with jail sentences. A first-time DUI offender can face up to one year in jail, and subsequent convictions can result in longer incarceration. A DUI conviction will result in a criminal record, which can impact your future employment opportunities and personal life.

Your driver’s license may be suspended, making it challenging to carry on with your daily activities.

Why Choose The Bussey Law Firm, P.C.?

Our team of Colorado Springs DUI lawyers has extensive experience in defending DUI cases. We are well-versed in the complexities of DUI laws and court proceedings, and we understand that every case is unique. We will work closely with you to tailor a defense strategy that best suits your specific situation and goals.

We have a proven track record of negotiating favorable outcomes for our clients, such as reduced charges or minimal penalties, and our Colorado Springs DUI lawyers are prepared to represent you in court and fight for your rights. We will be with you every step of the way.

According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, in 2021, there were 4,898 alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes in Colorado, resulting in 196 fatalities and 3,361 injuries. DUI convictions can have a significant impact on your life, but with the right legal representation, you can improve your chances of a successful outcome.

Facing a DUI charge in Colorado Springs can be a daunting experience. The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. is here to help you navigate through this challenging time and guide you towards the best possible result. We encourage you to take advantage of our free consultation to discuss your case and explore your options. Our team of dedicated Colorado Springs DUI lawyers is ready to stand by your side and fight for your rights.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid After a DUI Arrest in Colorado Springs

If you’ve recently been arrested for a DUI in Colorado Springs, it’s essential to be aware of the common mistakes people often make in such situations. Avoiding these errors is crucial to protect your rights and improve your chances of a successful outcome. The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. is here to help guide you through this challenging process and provide the information you need.

Many individuals make the mistake of not seeking immediate legal advice after a DUI arrest. Waiting or attempting to handle the situation on your own can be detrimental to your case. It’s essential to consult with an experienced Colorado Springs DUI lawyer as soon as possible.

One of the most significant errors you can make is admitting guilt to law enforcement. You have the right to remain silent and avoid self-incrimination. Anything you say can be used against you in court. It’s wise to consult with an attorney before making any statements.

Missing court dates or failing to meet legal obligations can result in additional charges and complications. It’s essential to stay informed about your court appearances and follow your attorney’s advice.

Navigating the legal process in a DUI case can be complex. Failing to understand the legal procedures and requirements can be detrimental. You should seek the guidance of an experienced DUI lawyer who can explain the process and provide you with the right information.

How The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. Can Help:

If you find yourself with questions about your DUI arrest or the criminal charge you’re facing, The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. is here to provide the assistance you need.

We offer free consultations to discuss your case, answer your questions, and help you understand your legal options. Our Colorado Springs DUI lawyers will listen to your concerns and provide valuable insights.

Our team of experienced DUI lawyers has a deep understanding of Colorado Springs’ DUI laws and court proceedings. We can provide the guidance and representation necessary to protect your rights and interests. We know that every case is unique, and we will work closely with you to develop a personalized legal strategy that aligns with your goals and needs.

We are prepared to represent you in court and fight for your rights, whether it involves negotiating reduced charges or taking your case to trial.

Avoiding common mistakes after a DUI arrest is crucial to protect your future. The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. is committed to helping individuals in Colorado Springs who are facing DUI charges. We are here to answer your questions, provide support, and guide you through this challenging time. Don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation to discuss your case and explore your options. Our dedicated Colorado Springs DUI lawyers are ready to stand by your side.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Colorado Springs DUI Arrests

After a DUI arrest, it’s crucial to remain calm and cooperative with law enforcement. You should request to speak with an attorney and exercise your right to remain silent. Contact a Colorado Springs DUI lawyer as soon as possible to get professional guidance.

Yes, you have the right to refuse a breathalyzer or blood test, but there are consequences, including a possible driver’s license suspension. Consult with an attorney to understand the implications of refusing these tests and the best course of action for your situation.

Penalties for DUI convictions in Colorado Springs may include fines, jail time, probation, community service, mandatory alcohol education, and license suspension. The severity of the penalties depends on factors such as prior convictions and blood alcohol content.

A Colorado Springs DUI lawyer can provide legal advice, protect your rights, and work to build a strong defense for your case. They can help negotiate for reduced charges, present evidence in court, and guide you through the legal process, aiming for the best possible outcome.

Yes, a DUI conviction will result in a criminal record, which can impact your employment prospects and personal life. Seeking legal representation can help you explore options to minimize the impact of this conviction.

In Colorado, the legal limit for BAC is 0.08% for individuals 21 and over. For individuals under 21, any detectable BAC is prohibited.

Yes, it is possible to have DUI charges dismissed or reduced with the help of an experienced DUI lawyer. The outcome depends on the specific circumstances of your case and the evidence available. Your attorney can assess your case and work towards the best possible result.

The cost of hiring a DUI lawyer can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the attorney’s experience. Many attorneys offer free initial consultations to discuss your case and provide a better understanding of potential costs.

During your initial consultation, it’s helpful to provide any documents related to your case, such as the arrest report and court summons. Be prepared to discuss the details of your arrest, including any interactions with law enforcement and the events leading up to it.

The duration of the DUI legal process can vary based on the complexity of your case, court scheduling, and other factors. In some cases, it may be resolved relatively quickly, while others may take several months. Your attorney can provide a more accurate timeline based on your situation.

If you have more questions or need specific legal advice related to your DUI arrest in Colorado Springs, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. for a free consultation. Our experienced Colorado Springs DUI lawyers are here to assist you and provide the information you need to navigate this challenging situation.

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Costs of DUI Penalties

Do you know what the penalties are for a misdemeanor drunk driving conviction? Do you know what they are for a felony DUI conviction or for a repeat offense?

If you have been charged with intoxicated driving, you are in jeopardy of fa

If you have been charged with intoxicated driving, you are in jeopardy of facing:

  • Large Fines: You risk losing hundreds, even thousands of dollars in fines.
  • Jail Time: Repeat offenses come with mandatory minimum jail sentences.
  • Driver’s License Suspension: You may lose your driving privileges or face a severe depletion of Colorado driver’s license points.
  • Increased Insurance Premiums: The amount you pay for car insurance may increase.
  • Criminal Record: A conviction for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol will remain on your record, where it may be seen by future employers, lenders, and more.


Jail Term Range

Mandatory Jail

Maximum Jail

Period of Probation


Public Service


1st DWAI

2 days – 180 days


180 days

Up to 2 years

$200 – $500

24 – 48 hours


1st DUI

5 days – 1 year


1 year

Up to 2 years

$600 – $1,000

48 – 96 hours


2nd Offense – outside of 5 years

10 days – 1 year

10 days consecutive

1 year

2 – 4 years

$600 – $1,500

48 – 120 hours


2nd Offense – within 5 years

10 days – 1 year

10 days consecutive

1 year

2 – 4 years

$600 – $1,500

48 – 120 hours


3rd Offense

60 days – 1 year

60 days consecutive

1 year

2 – 4 years

$600 – $1,500

48 – 120 hours


1st UDD






Up to 24 hours

Class A traffic infraction

DUR Alcohol

10 days – 1 year

10 days

1 year


$500 – $1,000


Class A traffic infraction

1st Alcohol Conviction with a BAC >.200

10 days – 1 year

10 days

1 year

Up to 2 years

$600 – $1,000

48 – 96 hours


1st Under 21 drinking and driving
(BAC for at least 0.02 but less than 0.05)

10 – 90 days jail




$15 – $100 fine;
$150 – $300 fine

Up to 24 hrs.

Class A traffic infraction or Class 2 traffic misdemeanor for subsequent offenses

Colorado drunk driving law sets heavy penalties for drivers who are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (DUI). These include jail time, community service, and fines. While these costs can be steep, the costs of a DUI arrest or conviction can extend far beyond the penalties set by the court. When all is said and done, a DUI may cost as much as $10,000, according to a recent MSN Money article. we offer free consultations, to give you the opportunity to discuss your case with us, ask questions, and explore your options without any financial burden.

Our commitment is to work diligently on your behalf, to protect your rights and interests, and to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case. We have the knowledge, experience, and dedication to provide you with a personalized legal strategy that aligns with your unique situation.

Timothy Bussey and the team at The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. are prepared to stand by your side throughout this challenging process. We are your advocates, your allies, and your guides on the path to a better future. Our goal is to help you move beyond the difficulties of your SAVING PEOPLE FROM DUI PENALTIES charge and toward a brighter tomorrow.

Don’t let a DUI charge define your future. Contact The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. today, and let us help you chart a course toward a more positive and promising outcome. We’re just a phone call away, ready to provide the support and legal representation you need to regain control of your life.

The costs of a DWAI or DUI begin with a person’s arrest on suspicion of either of these offenses, even if the person has not been convicted. The Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles has the power to suspend the driver’s license of any person arrested for either of these reasons. To get their license back, the driver will have to pay a reinstatement fee of $95.

In some cases, the driver may also have to show proof of an SR-22 insurance certificate or have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed on the car before the driver can get their driver’s license back. Both an SR-22 and ignition interlock device installation mean additional costs, sometimes in the hundreds of dollars.

In addition to the SR-22 requirement, the driver’s auto insurance rates may increase to up to four times the amount the driver currently pays, according to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association. Some insurance companies won’t continue insuring a driver at all, but will drop the person, leaving them to shop for new auto insurance with the burden of a DWAI or DUI charge or conviction in the way. New auto insurance can be prohibitively expensive, but a driver who decides to skip these costs by no longer driving may still have to pay for public transportation costs, such as bus or cab fares.

Additional Costs of a Colorado Springs DUI Conviction

The costs of a DUI conviction also include fines that a person may have to pay. In the state, these amounts range from $200 to $1500, depending on whether a person is convicted of DWAI or DUI and the person’s prior criminal record, if any. Drivers who are classified “high BAC offenders” or “persistent drunk drivers” due to having a BAC of 0.17 or above will also be required to take alcohol education or therapy classes-at the driver’s expense. Court costs, bail amounts, fees for victim’s compensation and other court-run funds, and other costs round out the hefty bill that comes with a DUI or DWAI conviction.

Fines for DUI Causing Property Damage

Property damage can occur in many different ways. Often, it occurs when a driver’s car crashes into another person’s car, a fence, or a house. Property damage may or may not occur in an accident that also causes injury or death. A person suspected of a DUI that causes injury or death, however, is more likely to face charges under vehicular assault or vehicular homicide laws in Colorado.

In Colorado, property damage may lead to a criminal charge if it falls under one of two categories. If it appears that the person being charged knowingly destroyed or damaged another person’s property, the charge may be one of “criminal mischief.” The penalties for criminal mischief depend on the value of the property damaged. If the knowing destruction of another person’s property, or property owned by both the driver and another person, is combined with a drunk driving charge, the crime may be charged as a Class 3 or Class 4 felony, with penalties ranging from 2 to 14 years in prison and up to $750,000 in fines, depending on the value of the property damaged and the circumstances of the case.

Additional Types of Property Damage

Other types of property damage, including property damage resulting from a driving under the influence accident that wasn’t intentional, can also result in a felony charge that includes both the DUI and the property damage that the suspected intoxicated driver is believed to have caused. Drivers who are convicted of a DUI causing property damage face strict penalties including jail or prison time, heavy fines, and mandatory community service, probation, or parole sentences. They may also be required to pay court costs and restitution to the owner of the property in order to “pay back” the amount of damage the court finds the driver has caused.

Finally, a driver who is suspected of driving under the influence and causing property damage may be charged with a felony if they are classified as a “habitual traffic offender” or if the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was 0.17 percent or higher when the property-damaging accident occurred. A “habitual traffic offender” is someone who has repeated drunk driving convictions or other traffic violations on their record. Even if the property damage is minor, the prosecutor might choose to file felony DUI charges if they believe the driver’s previous record warrants them.

Client Reviews

Tim Bussey is the best attorney in Colorado Springs and I would highly recommend him. He truly cares about his clients and makes sure he is there with you every step of the way. He is very trustworthy and knows the law better than anyone! Definitely go to Tim for any of your law needs.

Valerie Lucero

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I am incredibly grateful to the team at The Bussey Law Firm for their exceptional work on my case. Thanks to their expertise and dedication, my case was dismissed, and I can now move forward with my life. From the beginning, Tim was very professional, responsive, and truly cared about my situation. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of a skilled and compassionate lawyer. I can't say it enough, thank you Tim for taking on my case and for all of the hard work you and your team put forth.

Joseph Morrell, 5-star Google Review

I knew I was in good hands with the law firm. Even though Tim is a busy man he always makes time for any questions or concerns I had throughout the process, the staff was also amazing and very friendly. this is an extremely professional and reliable firm and I would recommend it to anyone.

Jake Antonia

Our Firm

The right attorney makes all the difference.

The trial attorneys at The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. have achieved consistent success in and outside the courtroom. Our attorneys have tried over 100 cases in court, and settled thousands more before trial. We are no stranger to the Colorado legal process and can explain your rights in a personal injury claim, DUI, or criminal trial.

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