Most Colorado drivers think of alcohol when they hear the term “driving under the influence” or “DUI.” But Colorado’s DUI laws also cover driving while affected by other drugs, whether they are legally prescribed medications, controlled substances, or other substances.
According to the Colorado Department of Human Services, about five percent of all drivers involved in accidents in 2012 were under the influence of marijuana at the time of the crash. Although Colorado recently legalized private use of marijuana in many circumstances, the state still treats driving while under the influence of marijuana as a crime. Drivers may be arrested and face charges if a chemical test finds five or more nanograms of active THC per milliliter of blood.
While a chemical test sounds imposing, even a positive test does not create an “open and shut case” for DUI. Experienced criminal defense lawyers know these tests well. They know how to spot weaknesses and potential false positives, and they know how to make the court aware of the risks in relying on these tests.
Colorado also trains many law enforcement officers as “drug recognition experts” (DREs) to spot potential signs of drugged driving. As with field sobriety testing for alcohol, the observations of these police officers are subjective and may be influenced by any number of factors that have nothing to do with the driver’s sobriety – but the officer’s testimony may still be admissible in court.
Therefore, it is very important to seek the help of an experienced Colorado Springs DUI defense attorney as soon as you find yourself under suspicion of drunk or drugged driving. Contact us today for a free and confidential case evaluation.