The human eye is one of the most delicate organs in the body, yet it is also one of the organs we rely on most heavily. Any number of workplace safety hazards can cause serious damage to one or both eyes, resulting in severe pain, reduced vision, blindness, and other irreversible conditions. March is Workplace […]
Category Archives: Workplace Accident
Extreme heat is responsible for more weather-related deaths in the United States than any other environmental conditions, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Since 2011, the organization has made spreading awareness of heat safety a priority, and encourages employers, as well as workers, to take simple precautions to avoid heat illnesses such […]
The first full week of May is North American Occupational Safety and Health Week. This week offers an opportunity for workplaces throughout the U.S. and Canada to re-commit to protecting worker safety and health – not only keeping workers from harm, but also protecting the company’s productivity by ensuring vital employees aren’t laid low by […]
One Colorado natural gas worker is dead and three more are injured after a natural gas well explosion in Platteville, Colorado, according to an article in the Chicago Tribune. The fatal CO work accident involved a gas well operated by Encana Corporation, a Canadian energy firm. The workers had just finished drilling the horizontal well and […]