Category Archives: Criminal Defense

New Rule Could Push People Out of Colorado Springs After Repeated Arrests

New Rule Could Push People Out of Colorado Springs After Repeated Arrests

Arrested on suspicion of solicitation, vagrancy, or trespassing in Colorado Springs?  You might be prevented from returning to downtown for any reason under a new rule under consideration by the city, according to a recent article in the Colorado Springs Gazette. Under the rule that may soon be enforced by Colorado Springs police, a person could […]

How Might a Juvenile Be Sentenced to Jail in Colorado?

For many parents, their introduction to Colorado’s juvenile justice system begins when they hear that their child is in “detention” – often, for no more than a youthful prank gone awry.  As they seek out the help of an experienced Colorado Springs juvenile defense attorney, many parents wonder: How will it end?  Will the court find […]

Colorado Criminal Defense Attorneys Say: Don’t Restrain Children in Court

Colorado Criminal Defense Attorneys Say: Don’t Restrain Children in Court

Colorado residents who watch crime dramas or news clips about criminal cases know that many adult defendants come into the courtroom wearing restraints – handcuffs or ankle shackles.  But what they don’t know is that in many juvenile court cases, children as young as age 10 may appear before the judge in restraints as well.  […]

Top Five Terms You’ll Hear in a Colorado Juvenile Justice Proceeding

Top Five Terms You’ll Hear in a Colorado Juvenile Justice Proceeding

The juvenile justice system in Colorado works differently than the standard criminal justice system. It serves a different population – children – and it has different goals than the criminal justice system that adults face. As a result, it has its own set of words and phrases to describe the process. Here are five terms […]

Crime Reports in Colorado Rose Slightly in 2013

Crime Reports in Colorado Rose Slightly in 2013

News reports about the state of crime in Colorado since the passage of Colorado’s marijuana legalization measures have portrayed a state in which crime is down and tax revenues are up. In 2013, however, crime reports throughout the state rose slightly, according to a report from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. According to the CBI […]

What is the SR-22 Insurance Requirement after a Colorado DUI?

What is the SR-22 Insurance Requirement after a Colorado DUI?

If your Colorado driver’s license has been suspended or revoked as a result of a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction or for another reason, the Motor Vehicle Division may require you to obtain an SR-22 insurance form in order to have your driving privileges restored to you. The SR-22 is available from your auto insurance company. […]

Preparing For Your First Meeting with Your Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney

Preparing For Your First Meeting with Your Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney

When you first meet with your Colorado criminal defense attorney, you may feel frustrated, confused, or overwhelmed. You may not know which questions to ask, or you may have so many questions you don’t know where to start. All these feelings are normal. To prepare for your first meeting with your criminal defense lawyer, consider the […]

Four Tips for Choosing a Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney

Four Tips for Choosing a Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney

Facing a criminal charge is tough. You may feel confused, frustrated, or overwhelmed. A criminal charge does not necessarily equate to guilt, yet it can negatively affect many areas of your life. Choosing a criminal defense attorney with whom you feel comfortable and confident can help you tackle the challenge of a criminal charge head-on. If […]

Colorado Considers a Bill to Increase Penalties for Certain Sex-Offense Convictions

Colorado Considers a Bill to Increase Penalties for Certain Sex-Offense Convictions

Legislators in the Colorado House will soon be taking up consideration of a bill that would increase penalties for those who are convicted of certain sex-related offenses, according to a recent article in the Aurora Sentinel. The bill, House Bill 14-1260, demands harsher penalties for people convicted of “a felony sex offense involving intrusion against a child […]

DUI Express Consent Actions in Colorado

DUI Express Consent Actions in Colorado

If you are arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while ability impaired (DWAI) in Colorado, your driver’s license may be suspended even if you have not been convicted of any crime. There are several scenarios, known as “express consent” situations, in which this may occur. Drivers in Colorado are presumed […]