Category Archives: Criminal Defense

Does Self-Defense Apply in Domestic Violence Cases?

Does Self-Defense Apply in Domestic Violence Cases?

In Colorado, if law enforcement is called out to a domestic incident, they are required to arrest someone. While you may honestly have acted in self-defense, you may find yourself arrested, taken to the police station, booked, and in jail until you post bond – just the start of some grave consequences.   The Challenges: Domestic […]

How Colorado’s Five Year Rule Can Help a Second DUI Charge

How Colorado’s Five Year Rule Can Help a Second DUI Charge

Have you been arrested and charged with DUI and have a prior DUI conviction? Colorado law allows for more severe penalties to be imposed in a second DUI, but only if the first DUI occurred within five years before the current charges. If you are accused of DUI, your first action is to exercise your […]

Why You Can Be Labeled a Habitual Traffic Offender for a DUI

Why You Can Be Labeled a Habitual Traffic Offender for a DUI

Being charged with a single DUI can upturn your life. You may lose your license, be sent to jail, and have to pay hefty fines. Because Colorado treats DUIs as priorable offenses, defendants can face harsher penalties if they have committed DUIs in the past. In serious cases, this can lead to being labeled a […]

How Smoking Can Affect a Breathalyzer Test

How Smoking Can Affect a Breathalyzer Test

During a traffic stop, police will rely on breathalyzer tests to determine if a driver is intoxicated or not. These tests measure drivers’ blood alcohol concentration (BAC) through their breath and can hold a lot of weight in a criminal case. However, this is assuming that an officer followed proper procedures when administering a test, […]

What Are the Penalties for an Extraordinary Risk Crime?

What Are the Penalties for an Extraordinary Risk Crime

Several felony crimes are listed as “extraordinary risk” offenses under Colorado state law. These are crimes that state lawmakers have deemed pose a substantial risk to human health, safety, and life. Extraordinary risk crimes come with enhanced prison sentences, and minimum sentencing guidelines.   Felony Extraordinary Risk Crimes The felony crimes listed under this designation […]

Penalties for Tampering with an Interlock Device

Penalties for Tampering with an Interlock Device

In a DUI conviction, the person may be required to have an interlock device installed in any vehicle they drive. The installation of the device makes it possible for a driver convicted of DUI to be able to legally operate a vehicle sooner after a license revocation. Any person who is found to have tampered […]

Can a Domestic Violence Victim Refuse to Testify?

Can a Domestic Violence Victim Refuse to Testify?

Colorado laws are tough in cases of domestic violence. If a person calls 911 due to an attack, or threat of an attack by a domestic partner, the police are dispatched to the home. Law enforcement will arrive at the door, and they are obligated to make an arrest, to one or both people involved in […]

How Should I Respond at a DUI Checkpoint?

How Should I Respond at a DUI Checkpoint

DUI checkpoints are common on the weekends around Colorado Springs, as bars, clubs, and restaurants become packed with customers. Police officers may set up checkpoints on major roads to identify impaired drivers and arrest them before a collision can occur. Even if you have already experienced passing through a DUI checkpoint, it is important to […]

When Do DUI Offenders Have to Wear SCRAM Devices?

When Do DUI Offenders Have to Wear SCRAM Devices

The consequences of a DUI in Colorado can be swift and harsh. Defendants only have a limited amount of time to fight a driver’s license suspension after an arrest, and a judge can issue hefty criminal penalties, including jail time and court fines, for a single incident. Even before your trial is complete, you may […]

Can You Be Charged With a CBD DUI?

Can You Be Charged With a CBD DUI?

CBD has become a popular alternative for individuals who want the relaxing effects of marijuana without the psychoactive high that comes with THC. As a derivative of cannabis, CBD oil is legal for possession and use in Colorado, as well as in some instances on the federal level. However, when it comes to our state’s […]